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Running DFP 1 and 2 on the same box

Thread began 5/11/2009 2:38 am by Ian | Last modified 5/19/2009 10:21 am by Ray Borduin | 5744 views | 9 replies |


Running DFP 1 and 2 on the same box


Just a quick one. I'm assuming that it is OK to run DFP 1 and 2 on the same development machine?


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Having just tried this it appears I cant install the two extensions together on the same machine.

Question - DFP 2.0 appears to be PHP only. Fine as I am now developing my sites in PHP anyway.

However, I have ASP sites that I have previously built and maintained and after installing DFP 2.0 I can no longer access any of the DFP behaviours OR pick up DFP form fields in the Insert > Update behaviours.

Do I have to install / uninstall / install etc etc when I am managing different sites?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes, unfortunately we have not been able to get around this problem yet. Since extension manager will only allow one version to be installed at a time you would need to uninstall and reinstall if you needed the previous version.

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Danilo Celic

Sorry that you have to do this, but one thing to keep in mind when swapping between versions is to make sure you do not try to add or edit any of the DFP server behaviors within your PHP pages when you have the DFP V1 installed if you have already applied the V2 version of the upload server behavior within your site, as you will overwrite the include file that has the updated upload functionality.

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I would like to ask the opposite question. When I upgrade to DFP2, can I just just re-open and re-save the server behavior, and all will be okay?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

Yes it should all be ok and would be updated to the v2 code at that point.

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Release ASP Versions of Old Extensions

This is probably going to be an ongoing problem for many of the extensions.

I certainly need to use old ASP capable extensions for many clients who aren't going to upgrade their sites just because I can't code in the old language anymore.

Can the old ASP capable extensions be rereleased with a new extension name and altered internals, or new PHP only extensions released with new extension names and new internals, to avoid conflicts?

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Ray BorduinWebAssist

We will try to find a solution for this problem. It is a complex issue that we have not found a solution for yet, but we are still thinking about it.

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Need both ASP and PHP, too! UGH, Feel I'm out $$, now.

I am having the same issue. Wasted 2 days researching the problem only to realize that it was not a user error, but built that way purposely. Now I'm out the $$ I spent to upgrade and still can't perform the work for the client. I'm now overdue on the client's due date with no foreseen solution.


Originally Said By: rox.dawson265582
  This is probably going to be an ongoing problem for many of the extensions.

I certainly need to use old ASP capable extensions for many clients who aren't going to upgrade their sites just because I can't code in the old language anymore.

Can the old ASP capable extensions be rereleased with a new extension name and altered internals, or new PHP only extensions released with new extension names and new internals, to avoid conflicts?  
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Ray BorduinWebAssist

The solution is to uninstall one before installing the other and only have one installed at a time.

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