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Couple of questions

Thread begun 5/28/2010 12:54 pm by MikeH | Last modified 6/02/2010 3:08 pm by Neil Beadle | 4625 views | 10 replies |


Couple of questions

Looks very good all in all for quick less complex sites but a couple of questions that are not ansered in the feature list:

1. You have a site created and now up and running you decide you need to add a new page how easy is that to add it to the CMS side?

2. How branded is the CMS that this creates? Are we bombraded with WA branding that takes a lifetime to remove?

3. Wouldn't now be the time to stop CMS standalone being made anymore thus eliminating rogue ISPs from taking the X&!" ?

Sorry if these sound like stupid questions but I am sure others will ask eventually.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

1) You would either have to add the cms code by hand (inserting a row to the database and adding the associated code chunk to a page), or purchase the full version of powerCMS for that site since it allows editing from the admin. In a future version we will try to address this shortfall and make it easier to add cms content into an individual page from within Dreamweaver.

2) Branding will only appear on the single template page and should not be extensive. It will only take a couple of minutes to remove when you want to.

3) We seem to be working in that direction. I think our tools will be able to create more and more of what we need our solutions to get to people currently, and when that is complete we can consider not selling them entirely.

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Neil Beadle

One thing to add....

As with PowerCMS 2, you can define pages in Site Sculptor to be used as a content management template. You can create new pages based on that template from within the CMS.

This will accommodate for a lot of those who want to add more pages to their site over time.

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Originally Said By: Ray Borduin
2) Branding will only appear on the single template page and should not be extensive. It will only take a couple of minutes to remove when you want to.

3) We seem to be working in that direction. I think our tools will be able to create more and more of what we need our solutions to get to people currently, and when that is complete we can consider not selling them entirely.  

Hi Ray
On 3 that would be a real boost to your Dec clients

On 2 Not so quick i found as most of the online docs images contain the words "Webassist" meaning most doc images will also need editing. It really is a shame that on dev tools that a dev would use for a client site that subtle branding is put in so many places increasing dev time.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I will bring this to the attention of the documentation team that creates that content. Thank you for the suggestion.

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Neil Beadle


  On 2 Not so quick i found as most of the online docs images contain the words "Webassist" meaning most doc images will also need editing. It really is a shame that on dev tools that a dev would use for a client site that subtle branding is put in so many places increasing dev time  

Can you give me an example of the docs that you might want to forward to your clients?

Aside from the Help page within the CMS, Site Sculptor docs are written to assist the user of the extension. If you let us know what docs you think would be helpful to your clients, we can consider incorporating that information within the CMS in a future release.


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Its the actual built in help. Click the help button and the screenshots nearly all contain Webassit.

Attached Screenshot.. check the bottom right image.

This would have to be redone for clients again no big deal as it could be done once and then reused. Just needed pointing out.


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Neil Beadle

Hey Mike,

Thanks for letting me know.

The screenshots are really just intended to be a practical example of a website using the CMS. We intentionally left out reference to WebAssist in the content, but felt the couple screenshots would not have much influence on someone's client unless they actually knew who/what WebAssist was.

We'll keep this in mind going forward, but you are free to change them and the rest of the content however you like.


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Adding Pages


I am close to purchasing site sculptor today and just want to confirm something.

In this thread there is a discussion of adding new pages once a site has been created and the CMS added and the site uploaded to the web.

There were 2 answers regarding this:

1) You would either have to add the cms code by hand (inserting a row to the database and adding the associated code chunk to a page), or purchase the full version of powerCMS for that site since it allows editing from the admin. In a future version we will try to address this shortfall and make it easier to add cms content into an individual page from within Dreamweaver.

2) As with PowerCMS 2, you can define pages in Site Sculptor to be used as a content management template. You can create new pages based on that template from within the CMS.

I am confused. After a site has been created and uploaded to the web can you add and remove pages to a site from within the CMS?

Can you clear this up?

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mr hankey

Sorry to jump on the thread, but am i right in reading that once you create a site with SS you cannot add a new page which is content managed without recreating the site through wizard?

Looking at the extension I have to say it looks brilliant.

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