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Web development tutorial

Upgrading to PowerStore 4 from Version 2 or 3

Tutorial created by Ray Borduin, WebAssist

Categories: PowerStore


<p><p>This tutorial guides you through how to upgrade your PowerStore 2 site, to work with PowerStore 3. If you are upgrading from PowerStore 2 to PowerStore 4, you should follow these instructions to upgrade your database first, but use the Alternate script provided at the bottom of this tutorial.
This script provided in this tutorial will transfer the database contents of your PowerStore 2 to the PowerStore 3 database tables.</p>
<b>NOTE:</b>If you made any custom modifications to the PowerStore 2 pages, this will be lost when upgrading.
<p><b>Already a PowerStore 3 user?</b></p>
<p>If you are upgrading your PowerStore 3 site to use PowerStore 4, you do not need to run this script. Instead, simply enter your PowerStore 3 database credentials on the database step of PowerStore 4's Installation Wizard, and PowerStore will automatically detect and copy the database tables to new tables for use with PowerStore 4. Once this step is completed, you will be taken straight to the end of the Installation Wizard where you can proceed to the Store Manager.</p>
<p>To complete the upgrade process to PowerStore 4, you will need to manually copy over the 'imagesupload' folder from the PowerStore 3 files to your PowerStore 4 files. If you do not complete this step, your PowerStore 4 site will not contain your product images. For more information see the Moving Images step.</p></p>

arrow downWhat you need to start:

  1. A PowerStore 2 site with content to be copied to PowerStore 3
  2. PowerStore 3

arrow downInstalling PowerStore 3

To use this script, PowerStore 3 will need to be configured to use the same database as your PowerStore 2 configuration.

If you are upgrading from PowerStore 2 to PowerStore 4, you do not need to install PowerStore 3 and must not install PowerStore 4 until running the script. Skip this step and proceed to Running the Script.

  1. Upload your PowerStore 3 files to your desired location on your server.
    This could be a completely different directory as your PowerStore 2 configuration, but should be on the same server. If you choose the same directory as your PowerStore 2 files, keep in mind that files will become overwritten and your PowerStore 2 installation will stop working.
    If you do not want to affect your PowerStore 2 setup when installing PowerStore 3, you should use a different directory on your server. Once you have PowerStore 3 up and running, you can reassign your domain to go to the new directory.

  2. In your browser, enter the address to where you just uploaded the PowerStore 3 files.
    This will automatically redirect you to the PowerStore 3 Installation Wizard.
  3. Proceed through the Installation Wizard, entering the necessary details for your store.
  4. On the Database Configuration step, enter the database credentials for your PowerStore 2 database.
    You do not need to worry about database tables or content being overwritten. PowerStore 3's database tables are named differently and therefore won't overwrite.

  5. Complete the Installation Wizard.

Once you have completed the Installation Wizard, you will need to run the script to copy over your PowerStore 2 data to the PowerStore 3 database tables.

arrow downRunning the script

Provided below is a SQL script that you can run on your database to migrate the contents of your PowerStore 2 database to the PowerStore 3 database tables.

If you are upgrading from PowerStore 2 to PowerStore 4, you will want to use the Alternate script provided here.

The following instructions are specific to phpMyAdmin and may different slightly if you use a different database management tool.
  1. Log into phpMyAdmin from within your Hosting Provider's Control Panel.
    If you are using 1&1, choose MySQL Administration option and click the phpMyAdmin button next to your database.

  2. Click the SQL icon to open the SQL dialog box.
  3. Highlight the following code and press Ctrl (Cmd) C to copy.
    INSERT INTO ps3_categories (CategoryID, CategoryName) (SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM productcategories);

    INSERT INTO ps3_productcategories (CategoryID, ProductID) (SELECT ProductCategoryID, ProductID FROM products);

    INSERT INTO ps3_productoptions (SELECT * FROM productoptions);

    INSERT INTO ps3_options (SELECT * FROM options);

    INSERT INTO ps3_products (ProductID, ProductSKU, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductWeight, ProductCartDesc,
    ProductShortDesc, ProductLongDesc, ProductThumb, ProductImage, ProductUpdateDate, ProductStock, ProductLive, ProductUnlimited)
    (SELECT ProductID, ProductSKU, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductWeight, ProductCartDesc, ProductShortDesc, ProductLongDesc,
    ProductThumb, ProductImage, ProductUpdateDate, ProductStock, ProductLive, ProductUnlimited FROM products);

    INSERT INTO ps3_optiongroups (SELECT * FROM optiongroups);

    INSERT INTO ps3_orderdetails (DetailID, DetailOrderID, DetailProductID, DetailName, DetailPrice, DetailSKU, DetailQuantity)
    (SELECT DetailID, DetailOrderID, DetailProductID, DetailName, DetailPrice, DetailSKU, DetailQuantity FROM orderdetails);

    INSERT INTO ps3_orders (OrderID, OrderUserID, OrderAmount, OrderShipName, OrderShipAddress, OrderShipAddress2, OrderCity,
    OrderState, OrderZip, OrderCountry, OrderPhone, OrderFax, OrderShipping, OrderTax, OrderEmail, OrderDate, OrderShipped,
    OrderTrackingNumber) (SELECT OrderID, OrderUserID, OrderAmount, OrderShipName, OrderShipAddress, OrderShipAddress2, OrderCity,
    OrderState, OrderZip, OrderCountry, OrderPhone, OrderFax, OrderShipping, OrderTax, OrderEmail, OrderDate, OrderShipped,
    OrderTrackingNumber FROM orders);

    INSERT INTO ps3_users (UserID, UserEmail, UserPassword, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserCity, UserState, UserZip, UserEmailVerified,
    UserRegistrationDate, UserVerificationCode, UserIP, UserPhone, UserFax, UserCountry, UserAddress, UserAddress2)
    (SELECT UserID, UserEmail, UserPassword, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserCity, UserState, UserZip, UserEmailVerified,
    UserRegistrationDate, UserVerificationCode, UserIP, UserPhone, UserFax, UserCountry, UserAddress, UserAddress2 FROM users);

  4. In the phpMyAdmin SQL dialog box, place your cursor and press Ctrl (Cmd) V to paste.
  5. Click Go to run the script.

When finished, your PowerStore 3 store should contain the same database contents as your PowerStore 2 store.

arrow downMoving the images folder

Once your have succesfully migrated your database contents, you will need to copy over the folder containing your images so that they all display properly in PowerStore 3.

  1. In your preferred FTP application, open the PowerStore 2 files.
  2. Open the Images folder.
  3. Drag the Upload directory to your Desktop.
  4. In your FTP application, open the PowerStore 3 files.
  5. Open the imagesupload
  6. Click and drag the contents of the Upload folder from your Desktop to the imagesupload folder.
  7. Navigate to your PowerStore 3 site, and view the Products page.

If the images are displaying properly, then you have transferred the files correctly.

arrow downAlternate Script for v2 to v4

Instead of using the script provided above, use this script to upgrade your PowerStore 2 database in preparation for upgrading to PowerStore 4. This script allows you to upgrade from v2 to v3 without the need for installing any PowerStore 3 files. Make sure to run this script before running the PowerStore 4 Installation Wizard.

Once you have completed your PowerStore 4 Installation you will be able to log into the PowerStore for Administrative area (Store Manager) via the username "superadmin" with password "superadmin". Go to Settings once logged in to change this.

CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
CategoryName varchar(50) default '',
CategoryParent int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_contenthistory (
HistoryID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
HistoryContentID int(11) default NULL,
HistoryValue text,
HistoryGroup varchar(50) default NULL,
HistoryReference varchar(50) default NULL,
HistoryDate timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

ContentID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ContentGroup varchar(50) default NULL,
ContentRefID varchar(50) default NULL,
ContentValue text,
ContentDate timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_couponproducts (
CouponProductID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
CouponID int(11) default NULL,
ProductID int(11) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (CouponProductID)

CouponID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
CouponCode varchar(25) default NULL,
CouponName varchar(50) default NULL,
CouponDescription varchar(255) default NULL,
CouponAmount float default NULL,
CouponIsPercentage tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
CouponStartDate datetime default NULL,
CouponEndDate datetime default NULL,
CouponMinimumPurchase float default NULL,
CouponMaximumAmt float default NULL,
CouponIsLive tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
CouponIsSingleUse tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
CouponIsRemoved tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_optiongroups (
OptionGroupID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
OptionGroupName varchar(50) default NULL,

OptionID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
OptionGroupID int(11) default NULL,
OptionName varchar(50) default NULL,

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_orderdetails (
DetailID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
DetailOrderID int(11) NOT NULL,
DetailProductID int(11) NOT NULL,
DetailName varchar(250) NOT NULL,
DetailPrice float NOT NULL,
DetailSKU varchar(50) NOT NULL,
DetailQuantity int(11) NOT NULL,
DetailDiscount float default NULL,

OrderID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
OrderUserID int(11) NOT NULL,
OrderAmount float NOT NULL,
OrderShipName varchar(100) NOT NULL,
OrderShipAddress varchar(100) NOT NULL,
OrderShipAddress2 varchar(100) NOT NULL,
OrderCity varchar(50) NOT NULL,
OrderState varchar(50) NOT NULL,
OrderZip varchar(20) NOT NULL,
OrderCountry varchar(50) NOT NULL,
OrderPhone varchar(20) NOT NULL,
OrderFax varchar(20) NOT NULL,
OrderShipping float NOT NULL,
OrderTax float NOT NULL,
OrderEmail varchar(100) NOT NULL,
OrderDate timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
OrderShipped tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
OrderTrackingNumber varchar(80) default NULL,
OrderCoupon int(11) default '0',

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_productcategories (
ProductCategoryID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL,
ProductID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (ProductCategoryID)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_productoptions (
ProductOptionID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ProductID int(11) default NULL,
OptionID int(11) default NULL,
GroupingID int(11) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ProductOptionID)

ProductID int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ProductSKU varchar(50) NOT NULL,
ProductName varchar(100) NOT NULL,
ProductPrice float NOT NULL,
ProductWeight float NOT NULL,
ProductCartDesc varchar(250) NOT NULL,
ProductShortDesc varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
ProductLongDesc text NOT NULL,
ProductThumb varchar(100) NOT NULL,
ProductImage varchar(100) NOT NULL,
ProductUpdateDate timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
ProductStock float default NULL,
ProductLive tinyint(1) default '0',
ProductUnlimited tinyint(1) default '1',

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ps3_simpleoptions (
SimpleOptionID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
OptionGroupID int(11) default NULL,
ProductID int(11) default NULL,
GroupingID int(11) default NULL,
DefaultOptionID int(11) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (SimpleOptionID)

UserGroupID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
UserGroup varchar(50) default NULL,

UserID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
UserEmail varchar(500) default NULL,
UserPassword varchar(500) default NULL,
UserFirstName varchar(50) default NULL,
UserLastName varchar(50) default NULL,
UserCity varchar(90) default NULL,
UserState varchar(20) default NULL,
UserZip varchar(12) default NULL,
UserEmailVerified tinyint(1) default '0',
UserRegistrationDate timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
UserVerificationCode varchar(20) default NULL,
UserIP varchar(50) default NULL,
UserPhone varchar(20) default NULL,
UserFax varchar(20) default NULL,
UserCountry varchar(20) default NULL,
UserAddress varchar(100) default NULL,
UserAddress2 varchar(50) default NULL,
UserGroupID int(11) NOT NULL default '1',

id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(50) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
`type` varchar(50) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
options text collate latin1_bin,
`value` varchar(255) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
grp varchar(50) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
subcategory varchar(50) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
cond varchar(255) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
description varchar(255) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
variable varchar(50) collate latin1_bin default NULL,
weight float default NULL,
spry_args text collate latin1_bin,
spry_error text collate latin1_bin,
help_text text collate latin1_bin,

INSERT INTO ps3_categories (CategoryID, CategoryName) (SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM productcategories);

INSERT INTO ps3_productcategories (CategoryID, ProductID) (SELECT ProductCategoryID, ProductID FROM products);

INSERT INTO ps3_productoptions (SELECT * FROM productoptions);

INSERT INTO ps3_options (SELECT * FROM options);

INSERT INTO ps3_products (ProductID, ProductSKU, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductWeight, ProductCartDesc,
ProductShortDesc, ProductLongDesc, ProductThumb, ProductImage, ProductUpdateDate, ProductStock, ProductLive, ProductUnlimited)
(SELECT ProductID, ProductSKU, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductWeight, ProductCartDesc, ProductShortDesc, ProductLongDesc,
ProductThumb, ProductImage, ProductUpdateDate, ProductStock, ProductLive, ProductUnlimited FROM products);

INSERT INTO ps3_optiongroups (SELECT * FROM optiongroups);

INSERT INTO ps3_orderdetails (DetailID, DetailOrderID, DetailProductID, DetailName, DetailPrice, DetailSKU, DetailQuantity)
(SELECT DetailID, DetailOrderID, DetailProductID, DetailName, DetailPrice, DetailSKU, DetailQuantity FROM orderdetails);

INSERT INTO ps3_orders (OrderID, OrderUserID, OrderAmount, OrderShipName, OrderShipAddress, OrderShipAddress2, OrderCity,
OrderState, OrderZip, OrderCountry, OrderPhone, OrderFax, OrderShipping, OrderTax, OrderEmail, OrderDate, OrderShipped,
OrderTrackingNumber) (SELECT OrderID, OrderUserID, OrderAmount, OrderShipName, OrderShipAddress, OrderShipAddress2, OrderCity,
OrderState, OrderZip, OrderCountry, OrderPhone, OrderFax, OrderShipping, OrderTax, OrderEmail, OrderDate, OrderShipped,
OrderTrackingNumber FROM orders);

INSERT INTO ps3_users (UserID, UserEmail, UserPassword, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserCity, UserState, UserZip, UserEmailVerified,
UserRegistrationDate, UserVerificationCode, UserIP, UserPhone, UserFax, UserCountry, UserAddress, UserAddress2)
(SELECT UserID, UserEmail, UserPassword, UserFirstName, UserLastName, UserCity, UserState, UserZip, UserEmailVerified,
UserRegistrationDate, UserVerificationCode, UserIP, UserPhone, UserFax, UserCountry, UserAddress, UserAddress2 FROM users);

INSERT INTO wa_settings (name, type, options, value, grp, subcategory, cond, description, variable, weight, spry_args, spry_error, help_text)
('admin_username', 'text', '', 'superadmin', 'Site Settings', NULL, NULL, '', 'Admin_Username', 72.00, NULL, NULL, NULL),
('admin_password', 'text', '', 'superadmin', 'Site Settings', NULL, NULL, '', 'Admin_Password', 73.00, NULL, NULL, NULL);

arrow downWhat to do next...

Now that PowerStore 3 contains your products from PowerStore 2, you can start using your PowerStore 3 site to sell online.

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