Well the first step is how to set up your database.
Since 90% will have different options, then you would probably create a separate options table in your database.
It would have the columns: optionID (autoincrement), optionName (varchar), optionProductID (id from products table), optionPrice (float)....
and whatever other columns you need. The options table can then be filtered by the optionProductID field to show all options for a given product on a page.
So you add that Recordset filtered on the page where you have your add to cart button and use it to populate your list of options for that product with the value in the list being the optionID.
Now add a second recordset to filter based on the submitted list so that it contains just the option selected from the list after the add to cart button is pressed. Then update your add to cart bindings to get the price value from that lookup recordset.