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Making a survey with Form Builder

Thread began 8/21/2009 9:44 am by khuntsinger387372 | Last modified 9/13/2009 7:50 am by khuntsinger387372 | 6403 views | 20 replies


In words of one syllable please

Thanks Neil
I appreciate the links and know they are well intended, however I actually tried both of these methods (it took me most of a day last weekend) and as I am a php newbie I had no idea what I was actually doing. I actually got it going with SENDMAIL and the famous Matts FORMMAIL script but the outputted forms look rubbish as they always do with formmail.
I Simply want to SEND a form created with CSS Form Builder (CSSFB)
I KNOW that the page with the form must be called something.php
I KNOW how to make a pretty form on it
I DONT KNOW anything about the action pages or how to get that SEND button to make the form do something.
For php people dotted about this forum who bought the CSSFB "car with no tyres software" like I did; they seem to say that this last step is easy if you know php. They simply do blah blah blah and it all works smashingly. Would it be possible to publish on this forum a php page of code that will submit the forms built in CSSFB with instuctions on how to connect it as the action of the FORM tag? This would put tyres on my new car and make all the disgruntled purchasers of CSSFB happy!
Please note that the above is intended in good humour to highlight the fact that if people dont know php backwards - they will find it impossible to use this product. The requirements state you need php version 4 or more. I have v5 on my server which is super de duper. They do not say that you must be able to programme in php4+
I hope the above highlights the predicament of many posters on this forum and perhaps offers the tech team a method of closing those last few metres to the finish line of what is a superbly crafted product.
Warmest regards
PS I need a -f switch on my SENDMAIL in the php script

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