I have read all the above posts on this subject and I too believed that we could develop more than one site with this solution.
It also crossed my mind that this was too good to be true!
I have for a long time used a shopping basket product (Developer's licence) from England which originally cost me £1500 plus VAT for the original programme and £300 per year since to keep up to date. This entitles me to develop as many stores as I wish, but the new site owner has to purchase the software from the company at a cost of £400 plus VAT in order to run his store.
So, for the price, and the ease of use, Web Assists Power Store has to be a bargain for developers to use and instigate quite quickly. Plus it has the added advantage of keeping the database on the web and easily updated too.
My only grumble is one reflected above, in that there is no easy facility to integrate a choice of sizes or colours.
I also own just about all the extensions offered by Web Assist, including Super Suite, so I just hope that they keep making such good pieces of software.