I see the probelm in your page anyway though.
you have 2 recordsets on the page named rsEDITPROD.
the good one is at lines 109 - 117:
$colname_rsEDITPROD = "-1";
if (isset($_GET['lbid'])) {
$colname_rsEDITPROD = $_GET['lbid'];
mysql_select_db($database_njMySQL, $njMySQL);
$query_rsEDITPROD = sprintf("SELECT LEDid, LEDtitle, LEDtitlemeta, LEDdesc, LEDmetadesc, LEDproductcode, LEDtypeID, LEDbaseID, LEDstyleID, LEDwattage, LEDcolourID, LEDdimmable, LEDcover, LEDlumens, LEDbrightness, LEDbeamangle, LEDsensor, LEDnoofchips, LEDprice, LEDnetweight, LEDwidth, LEDheight, LEDvoltage, LEDacdc, LEDreplacementfor, LEDavglife, LEDcerohs, LEDimgtmb, LEDimg, LEDimg1, LEDimg2, LEDimg3, LEDdelete, LEDoffer, LEDfeature FROM LEDprods WHERE LEDid = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_rsEDITPROD, "int"));
$rsEDITPROD = mysql_query($query_rsEDITPROD, $njMySQL) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsEDITPROD = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsEDITPROD);
$totalRows_rsEDITPROD = mysql_num_rows($rsEDITPROD);
then there is another at lines 214 - 219:
$query_rsEDITPROD = "SELECT LEDid, LEDtitle, LEDproductcode, LEDprice, LEDimgtmb, LEDdelete FROM LEDprods ORDER BY LEDproductcode ASC";
$rsEDITPROD = mysql_query($query_rsEDITPROD, $njMySQL) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsEDITPROD = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsEDITPROD);
$totalRows_rsEDITPROD = mysql_num_rows($rsEDITPROD);
the second one should be removed.
it looks to me like the second instance may have been copied from another page, but however it got there, it is causing the errors.