So I figured I would start over and see if I could figure it out and 2 things are happening.
The first time I used the normal smtp settings for the mail server in universal email, and everything would work out fine until you hit the submit button. It would just "flash" the internet page quickly then all the text would be gone, so it was empty text fields again, and no email would be sent and it wouldn't go to the "thankyou.php" page.
The second time I figured I needed to authenticate the mail server so I choose the PEAR option in universal email. Now when you hit submit it gives this :
Warning: waue_sendmail(Mail.php) [function.waue-sendmail]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\WA_Universal_Email\PEAR_Mail_using_SMTP_PHP.php on line 115
Fatal error: waue_sendmail() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Mail.php' (include_path='.;./includes;./pear') in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\WA_Universal_Email\PEAR_Mail_using_SMTP_PHP.php on line 115
So I went to that file and this is line 111-123:
function WAUE_SendMail($mailObj,$mailAttachments,$mailBCC,$mailCC,$mailTo,$mailImportance,$mailFrom,$mailSubject,$mailBody) {
if (strpos($mailTo,"@") < 0 || sizeof($mailObj->recipients) == 0) {
$paramArray = array();
$headerArray = array();
$headerArray["MIME-Version"] = "1.0";
$fromArray = WA_getEmailArray($mailFrom);
$mailFrom = $fromArray[0][1];
if ($fromArray[0][0] != "") {
$mailFrom = $fromArray[0][0]." <".$fromArray[0][1].">";
Any solutions? I tried the help files and search function. I did notice though with the first method, there was a "Mail.php" and for the second one it doesn't create it.