Mentoring / Tutoring Real Time
Real time - via secure screen sharing - tutoring and mentoring for WebAssist Professional products.
We are the official mentoring and training partner of WebAssist.
Php and ASP development platform experience.
Mentoring and Training Services
* WebAssist product mentoring and training
* Integration of other products with WebAssist products
* Database creation, connection and setup help
* Help you work through the logic of how your WA products fit together.
* Setup help to get your local development environment up and running.
* Complete your project for you or do the entire project from start to finish.
* PowerStore - integration help
When you're stuck, we are a port in the storm! Let us help you be successful!
To sign up, go here webassist.asp. Contact us for additional information.
Les Crowley, Managing Director
DynamicImages Interactive
Phones • 724.964.4460 • 904.377.6701
Toll free: 877.932-9889
Fax • 309.214.5443 -•- Skype ID • DynamicImages