Donations are a very common use of eCart. Although it is not explicitly called out in any of the interfaces, configuring eCart to receive donations is quite simple.
To allow donations to be received, you need to make the Price option for an Add to Cart button ‘Updateable’. This would allow someone to enter the amount of the donation they intend to give, and add that to their cart for checkout. This How To shows you the steps required to create this type of Add to Cart button.
Since this Add to Cart button does not need to be dynamic, you can apply it anywhere on your site that you see fit.
Since this Add to Cart button does not need to be dynamic, you can apply it anywhere on your site that you see fit.
If you have chosen to make the price column updateable as a select list, you will need to populate those fields with various values. Most likely, you will want to provide values for the most commonly donated denominations.
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sfranzken73972: 11 Years, 9 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 11 Hours, 37 Minutes ago
How could we add an other feild so donator could enter any amount?
Team WebAssist: 11 Years, 9 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 11 Hours, 29 Minutes ago
See the Create the Add to cart button section above, step 9, plus the note below it. If that doesn't answer your question, please visit technical support (click help in our main menu) so we can help you out more quickly.
jwk: 11 Years, 7 Months, 1 Day, 11 Hours, 39 Minutes ago
4. Add on the GENERAL tab
5. Add on the GENERAL tab
6a. Choose the NAME column in Default Value field type a name for your item.. Else PayPal returnes Error Detected - shopping cart is empty
6b. do same for descripition field -- optional
Team WebAssist: 11 Years, 7 Months, 6 Hours, 22 Minutes ago
info441118, Thank you for your feedback. Updates have been made!