The SEO Starter Kit is a free 9-part self-paced interactive tutorial that will teach you the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization and how to analyze, select, and place keywords. You will learn the core methodology behind SEO and why it can the the turning point in your online presence. With a better understanding of SEO fundamentals, you can increase your websites' traffic and rankings.
You will need the following items in order to use the SEO video tutorial:
The SEO Keyword Training video comes in two parts. You must manually combine the files to make the video complete.
Set up is now complete.
To view the tutorial, double-click the index.html file located at 'Start_Here/index.html'. The presentations will start immediately. You can jump to any desired topic by clicking its link in the table of contents.
The '' download contains two sample websites (Starter and Complete) and a spreadsheet containing data points for keywords. If you wish to use the websites for practice, follow these steps for setting them up.
Repeat the above steps for the 'Completed Site' folder.
You can now use these sties when you train with the SEO training video.
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danielsebas: 7 Years, 11 Months, 1 Week, 5 Days, 14 Hours, 58 Minutes ago
Please update the tutorial for new SEO methods, the tutorial is from 2009.
Thank you