Step by step tutorial regarding datepicker basic modifications.
you will need to edit the date picker javascript code.
the code may look like:
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
you will need to add minDate: '+0'
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
minDate: '+0',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
the code may look like:
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
you will need to add firstDay: 1
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
firstDay: 1,
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
the code may look like:
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
you will need to add showWeek: true
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
showWeek: true,
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
the code may look like:
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
you will need to add numberOfMonths: [2, 3]
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
numberOfMonths: [2, 3],
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
This would show 6 months in 2 rows and 3 columns
English / Western formatting is the default. You will need to edit the date picker javascript code and add code that replace the default values
the code may look like:
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
you would need to manually add values in your own language for
Here's how it's works in Norwegian
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
prevText: 'Forrige',
nextText: 'Neste',
monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','Mars','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Desember'],
dayNamesMin: ['Sø','Ma','Ti','On','To','Fr','Lø'],
weekHeader: 'Uke',
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
Display the datepicker embedded in the page instead of in an overlay. Simply call .datepicker() on a div instead of an input.
<input id="datepicker_1" name="datepicker_1" type="text" />
<div id="datepicker_1"></div>
Restrict the range of selectable dates with the minDate and maxDate options. Set the beginning and end dates as actual dates (new Date(2009, 1 - 1, 26)), as a numeric offset from today (-20), or as a string of periods and units ('+1M +10D'). For the last, use 'D' for days, 'W' for weeks, 'M' for months, or 'Y' for years.
the code may look like:
dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
showAnim: 'show',
minDate: '-20',
maxDate: '+1M +10D'
onClose: closeDatePicker_datepicker_1
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this_is_me: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 14 Hours, 7 Minutes ago
Great and very helpful explanations about this complicated thing. Thanks a lot!
I would love to see some tutorials with European date formats - ther are some issues still. Like
Jolter: 10 Years, 4 Months, 1 Week, 15 Hours, 1 Minute ago
Thanks - very useful