Tutorial created by CraigR, ForthWebSolutions
Categories: Data Bridge, eCart, MySQLi Server Behaviors, MySQL, PHP
On a number of ecommerce sites, a short browsing history is displayed, which allows the user to browse back more easily to a product they have just seen, or to act as a reminder so they don’t forget about something which may have interested them.
In this tutorial, I will use a potential customer’s browsing history to display the last 5 products viewed, by storing the productid from the product details page in an array.
Here is a short list of what I want to achieve...
• Add the selected product id to an array when the product detail page is loaded
• Store up to 5 product ids in my array
• Prevent the same product being added to the array twice
• Use the array contents to filter a recordset, so I can display images of the products with a hyperlink to the product details page.
At the top of the product detail page, create/set a session value.
You can do this with an ecart server behaviour, using Add->Ecart->General->Set Session Value
Here I used 'lastviewed' as the session name.
The resulting code block will need to be edited to remove the inverted commas around array().
The embedded code should look like this...
if(!isset($_SESSION["lastviewed"])) {
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array();
Now I want to use the URL Parameter, GET[‘ProductID’], which is being used to filter the products recordset on my productdetail page, and add it to my array.
Firstly, I am creating a php variable called $maxelements, and setting the value to 5.
(Set this to any integer, according to how many ids you wish to store in your array.)
I am then checking that my page has a url parameter and that if set, it is not an empty string
$maxelements = 5;
if (isset($_GET['ProductID']) && $_GET['ProductID'] <> "") {// if we have url parameter
I then check the number of elements in my array.
If there are 5 elements in my array already, I then use the php function array_slice() to remove the first array element
$maxelements = 5;
if (isset($_GET['ProductID']) && $_GET['ProductID'] <> "") {// if we have url parameter
if (count($_SESSION["lastviewed"]) >= $maxelements) {//check the number of array elements
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_slice($_SESSION["lastviewed"],1); // remove the first element if we have 5 already
Then I use the php function array_push() to add the current itemid to the array
if(!isset($_SESSION["lastviewed"])) {
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array();
$maxelements = 5;
if (isset($_GET['ProductID']) && $_GET['ProductID'] <> "") {// if we have url parameter
if (count($_SESSION["lastviewed"]) >= $maxelements) {//check the number of array elements
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_slice($_SESSION["lastviewed"],1); // remove the first element if we have 5 already
array_push($_SESSION["lastviewed"],$_GET['ProductID']);//add the current itemid to the array
} else {
array_push($_SESSION["lastviewed"],$_GET['ProductID']);//add the current itemid to the array
The result of the above code will be an array with up to 5 values stored within it, each value being a ProductID retrieved from a product details page.
To finish it off, I now want to ensure that the same product isn’t added to the array twice.
To do this, I check and see if the productid is in the array, BEFORE I push the array element onto the end of the array. and if it is already there, remove it.
This is done with the php function array_diff(), which compares 2 arrays and returns the difference between them.
This also means the most recent instance of the productid is stored in the array, so If the product was added 4 clicks ago, I won’t now lose it immediately when the array is next updated.
Here is my final code block
if(!isset($_SESSION["lastviewed"])) {
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array();
$maxelements = 5;
if (isset($_GET['ProductID']) && $_GET['ProductID'] <> "") {// if we have url parameter
if (in_array($_GET['ProductID'], $_SESSION["lastviewed"])) { // if product id is already in the array
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_diff($_SESSION["lastviewed"],array($_GET['ProductID'])) ; // remove it
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_values($_SESSION["lastviewed"]); //optionally, re-index the array
if (count($_SESSION["lastviewed"]) >= $maxelements) {//check the number of array elements
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_slice($_SESSION["lastviewed"],1); // remove the first element if we have 5 already
array_push($_SESSION["lastviewed"],$_GET['ProductID']);//add the current itemid to the array
} else {
array_push($_SESSION["lastviewed"],$_GET['ProductID']);//add the current itemid to the array
That’s it for getting the data
In order to use these values, I need to manipulate the array so I can get a string of values to use as my filter criteria.
To do this, I need to use the implode() fuction, to convert my array into a comma separated string.
$criteria = (isset($_SESSION["lastviewed"])?implode(", ",$_SESSION["lastviewed"]):"-1");
For MySQLi, skip this step and move on to step 6
Here, the objective is to list the products which appear in the array, in the order that they were added, so that the products selected most recently will appear last.
In practice, I find more complex queries are harder to write using the add recordset binding method in Dreamweaver, so what I tend to do is write a simple query and hand code it afterwards.
Below I have attempted to write the select statement (almost) entirely within the dreamweaver binding method, and edited it as necessary
The basic structure is as follows. selecting the key fields I need from the Products table, to display a product and its image.
Notice that the Data type for the variable is set as integer.
This setting will not work when I run the quesry, so I need to change this in the code
From the code produced from the add recordset binding method in Dreamweaver, I changed the line
$query_rslastviewed = sprintf("SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductImageTitle, ProductImage FROM tblproducts WHERE ProductID IN (%s)", GetSQLValueString($varproductid_rslastviewed, "number"),GetSQLValueString($varproductid_rslastviewed, "int"));
$query_rslastviewed = sprintf("SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductImageTitle, ProductImage FROM tblproducts WHERE ProductID IN (%s) ORDER BY FIELD (ProductID, %s)", GetSQLValueString($varproductid_rslastviewed, "number"),GetSQLValueString($varproductid_rslastviewed, "number"));
Changing the “int” value to “number” and adding the ORDER BY statement to the end of the string.
I don’t know if this is the best way to do this, but the criteria now works as expected giving me the result I expect, in the intended order.
Now it is simply a case of displaying the records
For MySQL, ignore this step and move back to step 5
Here, the objective is to list the products which appear in the array, in the order that they were added, so that the products selected most recently will appear last.
Select Server Behaviors -> + -> Webassist -> MySQLi -> MySQLi Recordset
(Make sure you are in advanced view)
The basic structure is as follows, selecting the key fields I need from the Products table, to display a product and its image.
I also need to filter the recordset using the values in my criteria variable and also order the recordset using the same criteria.
First, the filter parameter
Notice that the Data type for the variable is set as integer and the variable is a comma separated list
After the filter, I add the order by clause,
the final sql statement should look like this…
$rslastviewed = new WA_MySQLi_RS("rslastviewed",$PowerCMSConnection_i,0);
$rslastviewed->setQuery("SELECT tblproducts.ProductID, tblproducts.ProductName, tblproducts.ProductImageTitle, tblproducts.ProductImage FROM tblproducts WHERE tblproducts.ProductID IN (?) ORDER BY FIELD (tblproducts.ProductID, ?)");
$rslastviewed->bindParam("il", "".$criteria ."", "-1"); //criteria
$rslastviewed->bindParam("il", "".$criteria ."", "-1"); //listorder
As an example, insert an image tag and make it into a link
Create a repeat region for the link to display all of the rows in the recordset.
eg MySQL
<?php do { ?>
<a href="productdetails.php?ProductID=<?php echo $row_rslastviewed['ProductID']; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $row_rslastviewed['ProductImage']; ?>" title="<?php echo $row_rslastviewed['ProductID']; ?>" width="150" alt="Image of <?php echo $row_rslastviewed['ProductImage']; ?>"/></a>
<?php } while ($row_rslastviewed = mysql_fetch_assoc($rslastviewed)); ?>
eg MySQLi
<?php while(!$rslastviewed->atEnd()) { ?>
<a href="productdetails.php?ProductID=<?php echo $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("ProductID"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("ProductImage"); ?>" title="<?php echo $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("ProductID"); ?>" width="150" alt="Image of <?php echo $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("ProductImage"); ?>"/></a>
<?php $rslastviewed->moveNext(); }
$rslastviewed->moveFirst(); //return RS to first record
This is my first tutorial, I hope you found it useful and easy to follow.
If you have any questions, or can offer suggestions for improvements, please let me know,
(Modified September 2015 with updates for mySQLi)
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Nico: 10 Years, 6 Days, 7 Hours, 40 Minutes ago
Great Tutorial! Well done. Implemented the same using mysqli behavior. It is even easier. In the last step you handcode mysql result. Using mysqli you just check the comma seperated value and change '=' to 'IN'.
Once again thank you for this super easy to follow tutorial
Nico: 9 Years, 11 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 11 Hours, 2 Minutes ago
Just to make a correction, you dont really have to change '=' to 'IN'.
: 5 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 13 Hours, 51 Minutes ago
i am getting this error- [26-Nov-2019 14:07:56 UTC] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$rslastviewed' (T_VARIABLE), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/fbt5bixmgpkq/public_html/dailyShop/product.php on line 301
This is my code:
//Add the selected product id to an array when the product detail page is loaded
if(!isset($_SESSION["lastviewed"])) {
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array();
//Store up to 5 product ids in my array
$maxelements = 5;
if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] <> "") {// if we have url parameter
//Prevent the same product being added to the array twice
if (in_array($_GET['id'], $_SESSION["lastviewed"])) { // if product id is already in the array
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_diff($_SESSION["lastviewed"],array($_GET['id'])) ; // remove it
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_values($_SESSION["lastviewed"]); //optionally, re-index the array
if (count($_SESSION["lastviewed"]) >= $maxelements) {//check the number of array elements
$_SESSION["lastviewed"] = array_slice($_SESSION["lastviewed"],1); // remove the first element if we have 5 already
array_push($_SESSION["lastviewed"],$_GET['id']);//add the current itemid to the array
} else {
array_push($_SESSION["lastviewed"],$_GET['id']);//add the current itemid to the array
//Use the array contents to filter a recordset, so I can display images of the products with a hyperlink to the product details page.
$criteria = (isset($_SESSION["lastviewed"])?implode(", ",$_SESSION["lastviewed"]):"-1");
$rslastviewed = new WA_MySQLi_RS("rslastviewed",$PowerCMSConnection_i,0);
$rslastviewed->setQuery("SELECT products.id, products.productName, products.productImage1 FROM products WHERE products.id IN (?) ORDER BY FIELD (products.id, ?)");
$rslastviewed->bindParam("il", "".$criteria ."", "-1"); //criteria
$rslastviewed->bindParam("il", "".$criteria ."", "-1"); //listorder
<!-- single sidebar -->
<div class="aa-sidebar-widget">
<h3>Recently Views</h3>
<div class="aa-recently-views">
<?php while(!$rslastviewed->atEnd())
line no-301 :- <a href="product-details.php?id=<?php echo htmlentities $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("id"); ?>" class="aa-cartbox-img">
<img alt="img" src="admin/productimages/<?php echo htmlentities $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("productImage1"); ?>" title="<?php echo htmlentities $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("id"); ?>"
width="150" /></a>
<div class="aa-cartbox-info">
<h4><a href="#"><?php echo htmlentities $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("productName"); ?></a></h4>
<p><?php echo htmlentities $rslastviewed->getColumnVal("productPrice"); ?></p>