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MySQL Privilege Issues

Thread begun 2/24/2010 11:16 pm by msjj000 | Last modified 3/02/2010 4:23 pm by Jason Byrnes | 5585 views | 16 replies |

msjj000Beta Tester

MySQL Privilege Issues

Hi WA,

Have been trying to get through the install script however I am stuck at enabling the create view option.

I keep getting the following error when using the MySQL query window. I've contacted my hosting providing and they referred me to the web.

The best result I get is below.


SQL query: DocumentationEdit

GRANT SELECT ON dbname TO username@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Secondly, I'll need to run the script to copy the data from PowerStore v2 to v3 - is it a simple cut and paste into the query window?

Can you provide some guidance please?

Thanks, Mark.

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Hi, 'Jon' seems to be having a similar problem in this post here:


I posted a response on a work around that I managed to get to working for myself... let me know if this works for you. You will need to load it on your local testing server first, then upload the files and the database. Once the database is uploaded, you'll need to make changes as mentioned.

Hope that helps.

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msjj000Beta Tester

Hi mrs,

Thanks for that. I must admit that I became very used to the "manual" setup in PowerStore1 & 2.

That threat still talks about the need to have create view enabled and this is my stumbling block. I've looked at numerous references to check my syntax like and ntchosting. What worked for you?

Thanks, Mark.

response below:

SQL query: DocumentationEdit

GRANT SELECT ON databasename TO username@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abcd';

MySQL said: Documentation
#1045 - Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

you need to substitute your MySQL username for username@'localhost'.

On my server, i use the 'root' user, with a password of '123'
so the SQL is:
GRANT SELECT ON dbname TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123';

you also need to change dbname to the name of database to add the select privileges to. In my case the name of the database is 'ps3':
GRANT SELECT ON ps3 TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123';

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msjj000Beta Tester

Originally Said By: Jason Byrnes
  you need to substitute your MySQL username for username@'localhost'.

On my server, i use the 'root' user, with a password of '123'
so the SQL is:
GRANT SELECT ON dbname TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123';

you also need to change dbname to the name of database to add the select privileges to. In my case the name of the database is 'ps3':
GRANT SELECT ON ps3 TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123';  

Hi Jason,

okay something isn't working here for me.

I get the following message returned
MySQL said: Documentation
#1142 - GRANT command denied to user 'databaseusername'@'localhost' for table 'nameofdatabase'

when using:
GRANT SELECT ON databasename TO 'databaseusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'userdatabasepassword';

I have tried root and its associated password. Do I need to start with a database as the install program looks like it doesn't create one until after this point? I have uploaded the store.sql and tried that also.

Isn't the install program designed to make things easier?

Jason, would appreciate any additional help you may be able to offer.

Thanks, Mark.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

yes, a database needs to be created first.

you need to use valid values,

your command:
GRANT SELECT ON databasename TO 'databaseusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'userdatabasepassword';

would only work if you had a database that was named "databasename", and there was a user created in MySQL named "databaseusername" with the password set to "userdatabasepassword" I highly doubt this is the case.

you need to use a valid database name, a valid user name and the password associated with that user.

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msjj000Beta Tester

Hi Jason,

Thanks for coming back so quick. Yes I created a database (via importing store.sql) and created a user for the database in WebAdmin. I changed the name to ensure that I had the right detail in the right spot - hence the naming convention so you could see what I was entering and where.

Looks like l may be entering the correct detail without having any luck. Are there any different syntax changes between MySQL v4.x, 5.x and MSSQL? This is really bogging me down - is there an alternative way around this?

Thx, Mark.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

have you set the permissions for the new user you created through the web admin to be able to use the database?

On the database screen, there is a place to select the users that allowed to connect to that database, you must select the new user you created as an allowed user to connect to the database.

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msjj000Beta Tester

Hi Jason,

Yes, Once you create the database via Plesk/WebAdmin you then add the user to the database from within that databases interface. The connections have worked fine in PowerStore v2 using the connections.php file as an alternative example.

Where should we go from here?

Thanks again, Mark.

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Jason ByrnesWebAssist

the error is specifically saying that the Create View privilege could not be granted.

This is an issue for you to work out with your hosting company. It looks like they have disabled the ability for you to grant the Create view Privilege.

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