Tutorial created by Ray Borduin, WebAssist
Categories: Data Bridge, Design Extender, eCart, Free Tools, Dreamweaver, MySQL, PHP
The server behaviors panel was removed for Dreamweaver Creative Cloud. This tutorial will tell you how to install this functionality back into Dreamweaver with an extension that Adobe provides with your CC installation.
If you have Dreamweaver CC installed, you can find the extension in your installation directory here:
Vista/Windows 7 users: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC\Configuration\DisabledFeatures
Mac OS X users: /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC/Configuration/DisabledFeatures
The file name is Deprecated_ServerBehaviorsPanel_Support.zxp
When installation is complete, you can open Dreamweaver CC. The server behaviors will be enabled and WebAssist extensions will work as they did in previous versions of Dreamweaver.
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Lee Reynolds: 11 Years, 8 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 10 Hours, 26 Minutes ago
So if it's 'depreciated,' what is the future? Is the goal to run these into menus? Not sure why Adobe would bury these features.
Team WebAssist: 11 Years, 8 Months, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 10 Hours, 11 Minutes ago
Adobe is focused more on front end development. WebAssist will continue to support server technologies so that you can still successfully build database-driven websites with Dreamweaver.
: 11 Years, 8 Months, 23 Hours, 15 Minutes ago
i suggest web assist should focus more on OOP.
Jordan: 11 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week, 4 Days, 20 Hours, 5 Minutes ago
Didn't Adobe remove these features because they were outdated? Which in turn means the tools are also using outdated methods.
I agree that Web Assist should focus more on OOP and bring everything up to date.
Ray Borduin: 11 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week, 4 Days, 3 Hours, 52 Minutes ago
We will be bringing the server behaviors up to date in the next update to Data Bridge. We have had a general policy to not redo what Adobe already did, since we expected Adobe would eventually bring it up to date on their own, and there was no reason to reinvent the wheel.
Anyway, now that Adobe has dropped them we will have the opportunity to completely redo them better and with modern code. The code wasn't technically up to date, but it will still be functional for the foreseeable future... most likely for years to come, so it is safe to use in the meantime.
That will give us plenty of time to redo it better and keep the existing features and basic workflows with a modern twist.
Jordan: 11 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 21 Hours, 1 Minute ago
It would be great to see WebAssist use PDO and a more modular system put in place. Something more in line with an MVC framework. If you done this, I can see great things happening. Take influence from something like Laravel. Of course it doesn't need to be the same, but I think we can all agree that in comparison, WebAssist are years behind.
Ray Borduin: 11 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 16 Hours, 8 Minutes ago
Object Oriented Programming can certainly make the code easier to read and make it a lot easier to hand-code, but as an introductory to php and coding in general it has its drawbacks... since it adds an abstraction layer above what is actually happening, so when you get really good at using an OOP library you might still not understand the under workings of how things are done behind the scenes.
One of the things we have always liked to do is to bring those under-workings to the forefront to help people that are new to application development understand the core concepts that may be abstracted away in OOP libraries. I can definitely see the benefit of an OOP based architecture, particularly for some of our more advanced users, but we also really like to help newcomers understand the core technologies and sometimes that means putting it in their face rather than abstracting it. I think we still need to weigh the pros and cons of an abstraction layer and consider the cost/benefit of doing that. Our goal is customer education and successful application development, and in the case of OOP there is a real benefit for hand coding and therefor maybe a benefit to successful application development, and a real cost to exposure to the core concepts so there is a cost to educating the customer. As a company we have evolved to focus more on the developer and this transition might logically lead us to also move to a more OOP approach, so we appreciate the feedback and will definitely be considering that possibility.
Our tools in a lot of ways are raw materials. I use woodworking as a metaphor. We sell power tools and raw materials that you can use to build whatever you want... then you point at Ikea's modularized pre-built furniture and say "your power saws are way behind", and in a way you are right, but in a way if you want to be a carpenter it is good to understand how to work with the materials directly when you want to.
That brings me to your comment about MVC (Model–view–controller). This is an architectural term that essentially involves separating your code into functional components so that you are able to more easily re-use it. It essentially means breaking your code up so that the design is separate from the data displayed in it and the functionality of your interaction with both. The goal of MVC is re-usability and separation of concerns. Re-usability is always nice since when you do something right it can take time and it is nice to be able to just use it again rather than always re-inventing the wheel, and separation of concerns can help particularly when you are working in a group environment and designers, database architects, and php programmers can work on the same project without having to step on each others toes.
But going back to my original metaphor, architectural decisions like MVC are not really the concern of the power tool, but the concern of the carpenter using it. It is kind of like saying "your saw should concentrate an building arches". With the introduction of Framework Builder, we are really promoting an MVC-like architecture and concepts, and trying to educate people on how to use them and why, but the architectural decision is still in the hands of our users. They can use framework builder to separate their design from their functionality with themes, and they can use plugins to make re-usable components to get a lot of the MVC benefits and structural design when they want. We will be doing more to promote and educate how this can be done with framework builder through educational materials in the form of video tutorials, written tutorials, and webinars.
Thanks for your opinions and insights. They will keep us thinking and keep us evolving to meet the needs of our customers. We appreciate the criticisms and will use them to direct our efforts.
: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Days, 18 Hours, 41 Minutes ago
I am getting an error message from the extension manager. It said:" Can not install the extension, Requires Dreamweaver version 13".
I am following the instructions above to resolve the problem. What am I doing wrong?
Ray Borduin: 11 Years, 7 Months, 3 Days, 14 Hours, 53 Minutes ago
That error message implies that you aren't installing it with the CC version of Extension Manager. Please make sure you have the CC Extension Manager open when you attempt to install the server behaviors extension.
bamboozled: 11 Years, 4 Weeks, 21 Hours, 55 Minutes ago
using Creative Cloud, so tried this and received pop up error message saying that this extension cannot be installed - requires DW version 13 or greater!
What do I do now?
Anna Robinson: 11 Years, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 16 Hours, 20 Minutes ago
bamboozled, see above comment, which addresses your error.
: 10 Years, 9 Months, 4 Weeks, 15 Hours, 36 Minutes ago
Like Bamboozled I'm having the same problems. Following the instructions and trying it through CC extension manager it gives the same response - requires DW version 13 or greater. Any suggestions?
Justin Hood: 10 Years, 9 Months, 4 Weeks, 8 Hours, 26 Minutes ago
Could those of you experiencing issues report your operating system for me?
: 10 Years, 8 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 19 Hours, 24 Minutes ago
Hi all! I'm the newest member in this community. & through this site i came to know about the extensions that i can install for my Dreamweaver CC. Now...I didnt have the extension manager cc installed in my computer. When i click to open the program to install, it shows my an error message telling me that the file archive part of the extension manager is missing. What does this mean? A call out to help! :(
By the way.. I'm on Windows 8.1 if that's important to know. Thanks in advance!
Jason Byrnes: 10 Years, 8 Months, 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 14 Hours, 22 Minutes ago
In your message, you state that the extension manager is not installed:
[quote]Now...I didnt have the extension manager cc installed in my computer.[/quote]
You need to install the extension manager, first, in order to install the Server behaviors extension into Dreamweaver.
In the Adobe Creative Cloud application manager, select to install the Extension manager. Once installed, open it, click the install button and browse to the Deprecated Server Behaviors extension zxp file to begin the installation.
: 9 Years, 8 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days, 23 Hours, 17 Minutes ago
The linksIf you have CC 2014 installed, Adobe no longer includes the ZXP in the downlad. Use this tutorial instead to obtain the ZXP.
do not work ! eeeer
bamboozled: 6 Years, 8 Months, 2 Weeks, 17 Hours, 8 Minutes ago
Ok, so I have now downloaded Adobe Extension Manager CS6 and do not want to upgrade DW from existing CC2017.
When I click on downloaded mxp or zxp folder I receive message 'This extension an not be installed it requires Dreamweaver version 9 or greater'
I would be very grateful for clear and simple step by step instruction as to what to do next, many thanks in anticipation...
Supreme Geek: 6 Years, 8 Months, 3 Days, 5 Hours, 17 Minutes ago
I have Adobe CC 2018. I have tried to find the "Deprecated_ServerBehaviorsPanel_Support.zxp." I don't have a "Disabled Features" folder on my computer. I do have a "Behaviors" panel in Dreamweaver. It doesn't show anything that I need to edit and change pricing and other components. So, what do I do now? My boss wants stuff changed on the store like yesterday!