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Web development tutorial

CSS Menus Starter Kit for Photoshop

Tutorial created by Ray Borduin, WebAssist

Categories: CSS, Design


Learn how to design and prepare a graphic menu composition within Photoshop, convert your menu graphic to a CSS menu, and overcome browser compatibility issues. The Menu Starter Kit is a 90-minute interactive video tutorial. Learn at your own pace and watch unlimited times.

The tutorial includes a sample menu comp (Photoshop file) with start and finish sample files plus a bonus menu comp.

arrow downTraining Topics

The CSS Menus Starter Kit for Photoshop covers a range of topics.

Use Photoshop to:

  1. Create normal menu state
  2. Create hover menu state
  3. Comp multi-state sub-menus
  4. Slice and export graphics

Use Dreamweaver to:

  1. Create HTML structure with unordered (bulleted) lists
  2. Add CSS reset rule
  3. Develop CSS rules with compound selectors
  4. Integrate background graphics

Create backwards compatible menus

  1. Address Internet Explorer issues
  2. Apply conditional comments
  3. Switch browsers with JavaScript

Instructions on modifying menus

  1. Changing menu appearance
  2. Repositioning menu labels

arrow downRequirements

You will need the following in order to fully utilize the CSS Menus Starter Kit for Photoshop tutorial.

  1. Adobe Flash Player 7 or higher.
  2. Photoshop CS3 or higher.
  3. Dreamweaver CS3 or higher.
  4. Windows or Mac platform.
The movie files have been separated into multiple .zip files to resolve bandwidth issues.

arrow downSetting up the movie files

Once you have downloaded all of the movie files, extract the contents of each zip and ensure that the files are stored in the appropriate location.

Step 1: Extract the file

The first step in setting up the movie files is to unpack the file.

  1. Locate the file on your computer.
  2. Extract the file by either right-clicking and selecting 'Extract all' (PC) or double-clicking and have the files automatically extracted (Mac).
    You can also you the compresstion program of your choice. Just make sure the contents are extracted to their own folder.
  3. Locate the newly extracted folder 'Start_Here'.
  4. Open that folder and look for a subfolder called 'swfs'. That is where the movie files are going to be placed.

Step 2: Extracting the rest of the movie files.

Now you will need the unpack the rest of the movie files. Each 'Movies_*.zip' file contains a portion of the tutorial.

  1. Extract the '' file.
  2. Open the extracted 'Movies_1' folder.
  3. Select all the .swf files. (Ctrl A for PCs, or Cmd A for Macs).
  4. Copy all the selected files. (Ctrl C for PCs, or Cmd A for Macs).
  5. Locate and open the 'Start_Here/swfs' folder.
  6. Paste the .swf files in that folder. (Ctrl V for PCs, or Cmd V for Macs).

Repeat this process for '', '', and ''.

arrow downExtract the Sample Files

As an optional step, you may unpack the sample files and use the contents when viewing the tutorial. Or, you may also use your own content if you prefer.

  1. Locate the ' file on your computer.
  2. Extract the file by either right-clicking and selecting 'Extract all' (PC) or double-clicking and have the files automatically extracted (Mac).
    You can also you the compresstion program of your choice. Just make sure the contents are extracted to their own folder.
  3. Locate the newly extracted folder 'Exercise_Files'.

arrow downViewing the training video

Once you have moved all the necessary swf files, view the interactive tutorial by double-clicking the 'index.htm' file located in the main '/Start_Here/' folder. This will launch the page in your primary browser. The presentations will start immediately. You can jump to any desired topic by clicking its link in the table of contents.

The index.htm file will open in your default browser on your machine. Depending on which browser is set as default, you may encounter some security setting alerts. Simply clicking OK, or choosing Allow Blocked Content will allow you to proceed with the CSS Menus Starter Kit.
If you are still unsuccessful in getting your training to load properly, you may need to add the location that the files are being stored to your Flash Security Allow list.
1. Go to the following URL
2. Choose Add location from the menu list.
3. Browse for the folder that contains your Starter Kit files
4. Click Confirm.

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