PowerStore's built in themes are, let's face it; absolutely beautiful, but sometimes you want something a little special that can't be done in the PowerStore design editor... something that makes you feel like the most important person in your loved one's life... something that gives your site that extra little sparkle. Well, this CAN be done, and we're going to gently take your hand and guide you through the process of manually spicing up your PowerStore theme.
In this tutorial we're going to show you how to import a new theme, then edit the theme with the Developer Tools within the Google Chrome web browser. While we are using Google Chrome for this tutorial, other browsers have the same basic functionality, so you can use whichever browser is most comfortable for you.
First off, we're going to need to import the new theme into PowerStore. This is a fairly simple step, so just relax.
Now we're going to select the new Fresh theme as the default theme for PowerStore. This way we can see what up with what we're doing
Now we need to make some actual changes to the theme so it looks totally boss. Let's go do that now, shall we?
Next, we're going to use Google Chrome to view the site we want to edit, and inspect the specific element you want changed. Once we know what element we need to change, and where in the CSS file it needs to be set, we will go and create special CSS to make it prettyful. You like that? I mixed pretty and beautiful. I totally just made that up. It's totally my thing... but I'll let you use it if you finish this tutorial.
#WADAPageTitle {
#WADAPageTitle {
color: #7CE032;
font-size: 30px;
.ProductPrice {
float: right;
Now let's add the green to the product name on the product_results.php page so the name stands out there a little more as well.
Well done. You've now learned the basics of using Developer Tools within your browser to track down the correct CSS to customize your PowerStore themes.
You can now take these concepts and go way overboard, and take this business to a whole new level. Change everything. Make your PowerStore look nothing like PowerStore. We triple-dog-dare you! Go page by page through the site, and use the skills we've just taught you to make sure every page looks its very best.
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